My swing coach
Kris Derdenger just got certified as a TPI golf fitness instructor. So this past weekend she finally had some free time and we went over my swing, and then she measured the flexibility of my legs and hips. It turns out that I have average flexibility in both of my legs, but I am not using my hips enough in my full swing, which means that at impact my hips are almost closed and the hole you are suppose to see in between your legs at impact, is almost non existent. So she gave me a few exercises to help me rotate around my body and increase my hip speed with out loosing control. She also told me to check out to get more exercises which will target more than just my hips. I looked and it and it is an awesome site, which I hope all of you will take a look at. It has a bunch of exercises and stretches to help out any problem areas that you have. I have already seen a difference in my hip flexibility and I have only been doing it about a week. Enjoy!
Great tips Andrea . I am checking out the site right away.
As your wife is a golf instructor, I think she will play a major role in improving your swing and your overall game.
Kris is actually my swing coach and I am so lucky to have her as a great coach and Friend.
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